Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

5- Depois dos Quinze

5- Depois dos Quinze
Bruna Vieira tem 18 anos, é colunista da Revista Capricho e dona de um blog chamado Depois dos Quinze. Começou a escrever porque descobriu que o amor da sua vida era na verdade o amor de uma das centenas de fases que ela já viveu. Desde então, com a ordem das palavras escritas e compartilhadas nas redes sociais, Bruna superou a timidez, viajou para a Europa, fez duas tatuagens, mudou de vez para São Paulo e tornou-se uma das adolescentes brasileiras mais influentes da internet com milhares de fãs-leitoras-amigas-seguidoras. Nesse livro você encontra uma mistura de histórias, desabafos e segredos de uma garota que nasceu no interior, ama animais, usa boinas coloridas e ainda acredita no amor simples e verdadeiro.
Atenção: Se você não foi indicado e quiser responder este meme, fique á vontade. Eu estou muito curiosa pra saber, quais são os livros que vocês vão querer ler esse ano.

Cinema: Janeiro/2013

Meus amores, agora que as festas de fim de ano já passaram e que o ano novo começou para valer, já chegou o momento de descobrir o que o cinema nos reserva para o mês de janeiro, não é mesmo?! Espero que vocês gostem!

Chocolate dipped pears with pistachio toffee crumbs

Chocolate dipped pears with pistachio toffee crumbs
Serves: 4
For the pears
  • 4 firm but ripe pears, like Conference
  • 1 litre pomegranate juice
For the pistachio toffee
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 70g butter
  • pinch of salt
  • 40g roasted shelled pistachios
  • 100g dark chocolate
  1. Peel the pears leaving the stalk in place. Bring the pomegranate juice to the boil then reduce the heat, lower in the pears, and simmer gently for 10 minutes, or until just tender. (If you can’t be bothered with pomegranate juice, just make a poaching liquid with 150g caster sugar and 1 litre water).
  2. While the pears are poaching, make the toffee. Place the sugar, butter and salt in a heavy-based pan over a medium heat. Stir continuously. Initially the mixture will look like a curdled mess but keep stirring as it bubbles: the butter and sugar will amalgamate and start to caramelise. You need to get it to the hard-crack stage. This took me about 5 minutes. To see if it’s ready, drop a fingernail-sized amount into a glass of water and if it turns hard immediately, it’s ready. Be vigilant – this burns easily.
  3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and then pour on the toffee. It should spread out in a contained way into a lovely glossy puddle. Scatter over the pistachios, gently pressing them into the toffee if necessary. Set aside to cool and harden.
  4. When the pears are done, lift them out of the liquid and gently place them on kitchen towel. Pat dry, cool a little and then chill.
  5. When the toffee has hardened completely – it should be brittle – break most of into pieces and blitz in a food processor. This makes way more crumb than you need, so set some of the toffee sheet aside to eat on its own or to serve with the pears.
  6. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Place the pears on a chopping board. (It might help to trim the bottoms slightly so the fruit stands upright.) Pour the chocolate over the pears so that they are completely covered, then sprinkle over some of the pistachio toffee crumbs.
  7. Set the pears aside until the chocolate sets, or chill if you’re in a hurry. Serve with a shard of the pistachio toffee and maybe a dollop of mascarpone, cream or ice cream.

long fat

The raw milk debate: straight from the oven or pasteurizedThe official line is, of course, that everyone over the age of 5 should drink semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmed milk, in order to reduce their intake of saturated fat. (Full-fat milk is only recommended until the age of 2, while semi-skimmed – but not skimmed or 1% fat – is fine between the ages of 2 and 5. These lowest-fat versions don’t contain enough calories or, tellingly, the “essential vitamins” young children need.)
This advice couldn’t be clearer, and yet I’m seeing more and more evidence from well-regarded sources suggesting it’s not that simple. Award-winning investigative food writer Joanna Blythman is one who believes we’ve got it all wrong. She points out that full-fat milk is not actually a high-fat food.
“Furthermore, skimmed and semi-skimmed cows’ milk is also less nutritious than whole milk. That’s because the cream contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K – important, among other things, for strengthening immunity to infections, neutralising the effects of damaging free radicals and keeping bones healthy,” she says.
Nutritionist Zoe Harcombe agrees, arguing that saturated fats found in whole foods are “nutritional gold mines”.
“In simple terms, fats are chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. We eat fat, it is digested and enters the bloodstream where it transports the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K round the body. This is partly why I find the idea of removing fat from natural food ludicrous. Take full-fat milk – this contains all four fat-soluble vitamins. If you take out the fat, you remove the delivery system,” she says.
Other full-fat dairy advocates argue that not all saturated fats are the same; some are good and some are bad. Further, they argue they don’t clog our arteries and shoot straight to our bellies in the way that most of us are led to believe. And if you think this view is confined to a few isolated nutritional zealots, it’s not. Scientists have also begun to question the prevailing view that ordering a skinny instead of a full-fat latte is being kind to our waistline.

about !

The argument goes that consuming saturated fat can lead to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. That’s why we’re officially told to go the low-fat route. But in a review examining the link between high-fat dairy and health, published in a recent European Journal of Nutrition, researchers found no evidence for this at all.

The observational evidence does not support the hypothesis that dairy fat or high-fat dairy foods contribute to obesity or cardiometabolic risk, and suggests that high-fat dairy consumption within typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with obesity risk. Although not conclusive, these findings may provide a rationale for future research into the bioactive properties of dairy fat and the impact of bovine feeding practices on the health effects of dairy fat.

how ?FAT !

For the record, I’m not saying that we should all start swilling full-fat milk.  I’m not remotely qualified to do so. (Although consumption of raw milk is on the rise for a variety of reasons.) But looking at the research, I can’t quite reconcile official dietary guidelines on dairy with some of the latest evidence.  Over the course of more than a week, I made numerous written and telephone request to the Department of Health to see if they could explain to me the rationale behind official dairy guidelines. I’d love it if they ever got around to returning my call.
Meanwhile, in the spirit of healthy eating, and inspired by the  crusade to stop kids scoffing rubbish processed breakfast cereals,  I’ve devised my own very healthy, very tasty version. Whatever you do, don’t substitute the brown puffed rice (available from any health food shop) with sugar/salt/additive laden Rice Crispies!!
Enjoy – with ice-cold full-fat milk if you like.

Healthy home-made breakfast cereal
Healthy Breakfast Rubble
Serves 4
  • 160g porridge oats
  • 30g brown puffed rice
  • 60g chopped nuts (I used brazil, but almonds, pecans or walnuts would also be nice)
  • 2 tablespoons mixed seeds
  • 2 tablespoons wheat bran
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil or rapeseed oil
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 60g ready to eat dried apricots, chopped
1. Set the oven to 160°C/325°F. Mix all the dry ingredients including the apricots together in a large bowl.
2. Whisk together the oil and the honey and pour over the mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until everything is covered with honeyed oil.
3. Spread out on a large baking tray. You need to make the cereal for about 30 minutes, but stir the tray once in a while to make sure everything is evenly cooked. Break up any clumps.
4. Leave to cool in the tray, where it will crisp up nicely. Store in an airtight jar.

What’s wrong with full-fat milk? Plus healthy home-made cereal

milk-300x0Fat is well and truly back on the political agenda in the UK. We’d barely digested our Christmas pudding when graphic adverts appeared on the telly  showing us the ugly truth of how much sugar, fat and salt hides in everyday food. The Labour Party was close behind in the slipstream with a call for a cap on sugar in breakfast cereals to combat child obesity. Meanwhile, supermarkets geared up for this year’s rollout of a (contentious) “traffic light” food labelling system.
It’s all of particular interest to me as I’m working on a children’s recipe book designed to encourage kids to cook. It’s a tricky business. Ask any child what they like to cook and the answer invariably involves cake. That’s not to say kids these days don’t enjoy eating more “sophisticated” food. It’s just that most simply don’t have the precocious cooking ambitions of Junior Masterchef munchkins. Do the kids I know relish cooking veg or making salad? Not really. So while it’s right to include recipes in a children’s cook book that are nutritionally sound, it’s not so easy to devise healthy recipes that kids will trip over themselves to make. But it’s urgent that we find a way to get our children cooking.

want it !


mau pesta?yaa ini ~

Galaxy - Polyvore on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51886879/via/nelvemyr


How Does It Feel? on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51882830/via/nelvemyr

Desejo do Dia: Ler o livro Para Sempre


Meus amores, sabe aquele tipo de livro, que te conquista, a partir do momento que você termina de ler a sinopse?! Pois é , esse é o caso desse livro. Eu acabei de ler a sinopse e estou desesperada pra ler esse livro. Eu sei, que ás vezes as sinopses podem enganar, mas algo me diz, que por esse livro vale a pena correr o risco!

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

A Pousada Rose Harbor - Debbie Macomber

A Pousada Rose Harbor - Debbie Macomber
Sinopse: Jo Marie Rose decide comprar uma pequena pousada, como forma de superar a morte do marido. Mal sabe ela que as surpresas que a esperam nessa nova empreitada. Seu primeiro hóspede é Joshua Weaver, que voltou para casa para cuidar de seu padrasto doente. Os dois nunca se conheceram pessoalmente e Joshua tem alguma esperança de que possam conciliar suas diferenças. No entanto, uma habilidade de Joshua há muito perdida prova que o perdão nunca está fora de alcance e que o amor pode florescer onde menos se espera. A outra hóspede é Abby Kincaid, que retorna a Cedar Cove para comparecer ao casamento do irmão. De volta pela primeira vez em 20 anos, ela quase deseja não ter ido, devido às memórias trazidas pela pitoresca cidade. E conforme Abby se reconecta com sua família e seus velhos amigos, percebe que só pode seguir em frente se permitir-se verdadeiramente a isso.

Após a Tempestade - Karen White
Sinopse: Quando Julie tinha 12 anos, sua irmã mais nova desapareceu e nunca mais foi encontrada. Uma perda que corroeu os laços familiares e deixou sua mãe obcecada pela busca da irmã.
Já adulta e com um prestigiado emprego, Julie conhece Monica, que a faz lembrar muito de sua irmã desaparecida há 17 anos. Elas se tornam melhores amigas, uma amizade que começa como um processo de cura para Julie.
No entanto, uma fatalidade abate a amizade e Julie se vê responsável pelo filho de Monica. Ela decide levar o menino para Biloxi, Mississippi, para encontrar a família que ele não conhecera.
A partir dessa viagem, Julie descobrirá segredos que estão ligados a sua família e seu passado...


Meus amores para quem não sabe, aconteceu na noite desse domingo (12/02) em Los Angeles a 54ª edição do Grammy Awards. (A maior premiação do mundo da música)  E como já se tornou uma tradição aqui no blog, posts onde eu faço uma cobertura completa sobre esses eventos. No post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, os momentos mais marcantes dessa linda festa!


Meus amores para quem não sabe, aconteceu na noite desse domingo (12/02) em Los Angeles a 54ª edição do Grammy Awards. (A maior premiação do mundo da música)  E como já se tornou uma tradição aqui no blog, posts onde eu faço uma cobertura completa sobre esses eventos. No post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, os momentos mais marcantes dessa linda festa!


Meus amores para quem não sabe, aconteceu na noite desse domingo (12/02) em Los Angeles a 54ª edição do Grammy Awards. (A maior premiação do mundo da música)  E como já se tornou uma tradição aqui no blog, posts onde eu faço uma cobertura completa sobre esses eventos. No post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, os momentos mais marcantes dessa linda festa!


Meus amores para quem não sabe, aconteceu na noite desse domingo (12/02) em Los Angeles a 54ª edição do Grammy Awards. (A maior premiação do mundo da música)  E como já se tornou uma tradição aqui no blog, posts onde eu faço uma cobertura completa sobre esses eventos. No post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, os momentos mais marcantes dessa linda festa!

tiga febuari 2013

hari ini udah 3 febuari 2013 nih,kejadiannya udah 1tahun ;--')
kalian tahu apa?Hmm.. mungkin hanya segelintir orang yg tahu yaaaps..
gua pengen banget jadi anggota dari kalian
tapi, allah punya rencana lain :')