Kamis, 26 September 2013

Photos snapped by Landon, blogger boyfriend. Lafayette148 maroon sweater (similar)  |  Nicole Miller oversized vest  |  thrifted highwaisted jeans (love these)  |  Jeffery Campbell boots  |  Forever21 tote  |  Quiksilver toggle coat  |  H&M beanie Woke up an hour ago, threw on yesterday's clothes, skipped the makeup (mainly because I didn't have any) and came out lookin' like this. Good thing I only saw a few people today, some of which I had incredible sample sale ordeals with (ahem Jasmine), which reminds me - sample sales harbor a certain type of evil person that one should never have to encounter.

Kamis, 19 September 2013


hallo blog, today my boyfriend Emir Mahira's 16th year. Friday 19 September 1997... I really love him HAHA, not .. This is not only my idol. emir's Indonesian movie actor, he first played in "Garuda on my chest" 2009.Emir Mahira also awarded the 'Best Performance' at the Isfahan International Film Festival of Children and Young Adults in Tehran, Iran.

Emir was courting my truth. I though he always goes to the heart of artists are more handsome or multitalented. but I still stay true .. for me emir was everything for me .. I am ready for the emir of his latest movie until late at night.

In the emir birthday, I'm emir added affection and love with me, and we'll get married 6 years upcoming hahaaaaa
# greetings EMD

Selasa, 17 September 2013

you/?thirsty?let check drink




delivery :p

anda penyuka korea?ini aku posting tentang fasionnya hehe :3

fashion style korea
fashion style korea
fashion style korea – Demam Korea di Indonesia belum berakhir, bahkan semakin lama “Korean Wave” di Indonesia semakin besar, terutama pada kalangan remaja. Tidak hanya pada Drama Korea, “Korean Wave” juga sudah mulai masuk ke dunia style, terutama fashion. Di tahun 2012 ini, fashion style korea semakin banyak di minati oleh remaja di Indonesia, terutama oleh para kaum fashionista. Banyak juga brand-brand yang mulai memanfaatkan situasi ini dengan mengeluarkan produk ala fashion style korea

Senin, 16 September 2013


The food is fresh, zingy and locally sourced and a welcome change from standard Blue Mountains fare. We ate several meals here and everything was terrific but my favourite treat was a chocolate dipped fig sprinkled with pistachio nuts. The figs were juicy ripe and with the dark chocolate, didn’t seem like such a naughty pudding.
I’ve had a go at recreating it, using pears instead of out-of-season figs. I’m thinking a little spoon of

ATM for buy cupcake

sprinkles cupcake automat
This article is a longer version of an item that appears in the Guardian’s online food and drinks section, Word of Mouth.
The world now has its first cupcake ATM.  That’s right – a candyfloss-pink hole in the wall dispensing cupcakes 24/7, just in case we need to scratch an itch for garishly-iced sponge confection in the middle of the night. Who’d have thought?
The doomsayers had been predicting a post sugar-rush crash ever since the cupcake surge began around the turn of the millennium. But the canny marketing wheeze by US gourmet cupcake company Sprinkles to install an ATM (or more accurately ACM – Automatic Cake Machine) in the exterior wall of its Beverly Hills store is a custard pie in the face of cupcake doubters.

sepatu plats

Sepatu Flats

Sepatu Flats
Sepatu hak datar atau biasa disebut flat shoes merupakan sepatu sehari-hari yang nyaman. Biasanya sepatu ini banyak dikenakan saat santai. Pakaian apa saja pun cocok dipadukan dengan flat shoes, asalkan selalu sesuaikan warna dan model flat shoes dengan busana Anda. Hindari pemakaian sepatu datar dengan rok selutut, outfit anda terlihat berat dibawah, sangat kuno dan membuat kaki terlihat pendek.
Sepatu Flats
Sepatu Flats

Sepatu Flats terbaru
Sepatu Flats terbaru

Aneka Sepatu Flats
Aneka Sepatu Flats

Jenis Sepatu Flats

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

A Hip Handmade Holiday

No doubt if you read craft (or even lifestyle and design) blogs chances are you are going to hear about A Hip Handmade Holiday. I am in constant awe of people creating deliberate and well-designed craft projects with a purpose like these two savvy crafting gals I know Susan and Alison.

They created this meaningful and stylish holiday gift idea guide with all the DIY instructions your little heart could fancy. It is really great, full of multiple ideas to make a beautiful unique and handmade statement for the holidays.

Cool part is that you can create gifts for people on your list for $10 or less, and the book download itself is also only $10. Learn more about it here. I may have to join the Craft Pack and get my craft on with you crafters, when you can achieve amazing results like this. Bravo ladies and gent!

oh, in sunday i , dad, and my mom going to here !


“I'm In Bandung Get me Outta here”

We stayed here for just the one night on an Intrepid Tour through java. We did not think much of Bandung at alland to be honest, we couldn't wait to get out of there - but that's not the Serena Hotel's fault to be fair.
What is their fault is the horrendous smells out of the bathrooms in the rooms - and that's before we used them before any of you get smart! It has no safe deposit boxes either in the rooms or at reception which for me is a downer. I put security pretty high up on my list of priorities in any hotel. By no means am I suggesting that the place is 'unsecure' but I don't think a lace to keep your passport and cards is beyond reasonable for any traveller.
They are just about the only faults I can write about though. The location of the hotel is good, right across from the rain station which you can use as a means of escaping from Bandung.
The food in the hotel restaurant is pretty nice to be fair and the morning breakfast was quite good.
It is the 'Our Pick' in my edition of the Lonely Planet Guide to S.E. Asia but having spent a day in Bandung I can only assume that ti does not have much competition. So if you find yourself in Bandung, this place will do okay, absolutely nothing wrong with it really - but for the love of God, life is too short to give Bandung much more than one day!

HOPE !!!!!!!!!


Cara Gaya Wanita Korea Membuat style kuncir rambut Samping

Cara Gaya Wanita Korea Membuat style kuncir rambut Samping – Ambil rambut samping ke ekor kuda dan dasi ke disanggul setengah longgar dengan pita karet hitam
macam-macam kuncir rambut
macam-macam kuncir rambut
Twist sisa rambut Anda dan menariknya ke dalam roti dan aman dengan pin rambut hitam.
macam-macam kuncir rambut
macam-macam kuncir rambut
Terapkan sedikit gel rambut atau bulu lilin pada ujung rambut dan membuatnya curl keluar.
macam-macam kuncir rambut
macam-macam kuncir rambut

Berikut ini tampilan gaya rambut asian samping dan dari belakang.
macam-macam kuncir rambut
macam-macam kuncir rambut
Gaya mode fashion terbaru yang terkait dengan style kuncir rambut adalah : 
style kuncir rambut, style kuncir rambut ala korea, style kuncir rambut ala artis, style kuncir rambut terbaru, style kuncir rambutterkini, style kuncir rambut menyamping, style kuncir rambut memanjang, gambar style kuncir rambut, foto style kuncir rambut, macam – macam style kuncir rambut, jenis style kuncir rambut, aksesoris style kuncir rambut, , kuncir rambut 3, kuncir rambut anak, harga kuncir rambut, kuncir rambut collection, jual kuncir rambut, twanis kuncir rambut, grosir kuncir rambut, gambar aksesoris rambut, style kuncir rambut ikal, style kuncir rambut keriting, style kuncir rambut lurus, style kuncir rambut gelombang, style kuncir rambut kaku, pernak pernik style kuncir rambut, hiasan style kuncir rambut.









Meus amores para quem não sabe, aconteceu na noite desse domingo (12/02) em Los Angeles a 54ª edição do Grammy Awards. (A maior premiação do mundo da música)  E como já se tornou uma tradição aqui no blog, posts onde eu faço uma cobertura completa sobre esses eventos. No post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, os momentos mais marcantes dessa linda festa!

Playlist: Fevereiro/2013

Meus amores como eu faço todos os meses, no post de hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês, as músicas que estão tocando na minha playlist. Espero que vocês gostem das minhas dicas. Quem sabe, elas começam a tocar na playlist de vocês também!

Meu amor, meu bem, meu querido - Deb Caletti

Meu amor, meu bem, meu querido - Deb Caletti
Sinopse: Ruby McQueen nunca tivera problemas sendo boazinha, e sempre fez questão de ter um bom relacionamento com sua família, ir bem na escola e tomar boas decisões. Esse é o motivo do porquê ninguém fica mais surpreso do que ela mesma quando o mau caráter Travis Becker a suga para seu mundo de privilégios e ilegalidades, e ela o segue voluntariamente. No entanto, quando Ruby faz o impensável, começa uma louca aventura de várias gerações, conforme seus entes mais íntimos fazem de tudo para salvá-la dela mesma. Será que um verão pode mudar o que Ruby sabe sobre o verdadeiro amor, a família, o destino e seu próprio coração?

O Livro do Amanhã - Cecelia Ahern
Sinopse: Tamara Goodwin sempre teve tudo o que quis e nunca precisou pensar no amanhã. Contudo, de repente, seu mundo vira de cabeça para baixo e ela precisa trocar sua confortável vida da metrópole por uma cidadezinha do interior. Assim, Tamara logo se sente solitária e louca para voltar para casa. Então, uma biblioteca itinerante chega ao vilarejo, trazendo junto um misterioso livro de couro trancado com uma fivela dourada e um cadeado. O que Tamara descobre ao longo de suas páginas a deixa surpresa. E tudo começa a mudar das maneiras mais inesperadas possíveis… Será possível mudar o amanhã?

A Pousada Rose Harbor - Debbie Macomber

A Pousada Rose Harbor - Debbie Macomber
Sinopse: Jo Marie Rose decide comprar uma pequena pousada, como forma de superar a morte do marido. Mal sabe ela que as surpresas que a esperam nessa nova empreitada. Seu primeiro hóspede é Joshua Weaver, que voltou para casa para cuidar de seu padrasto doente. Os dois nunca se conheceram pessoalmente e Joshua tem alguma esperança de que possam conciliar suas diferenças. No entanto, uma habilidade de Joshua há muito perdida prova que o perdão nunca está fora de alcance e que o amor pode florescer onde menos se espera. A outra hóspede é Abby Kincaid, que retorna a Cedar Cove para comparecer ao casamento do irmão. De volta pela primeira vez em 20 anos, ela quase deseja não ter ido, devido às memórias trazidas pela pitoresca cidade. E conforme Abby se reconecta com sua família e seus velhos amigos, percebe que só pode seguir em frente se permitir-se verdadeiramente a isso.

Após a Tempestade - Karen White
Sinopse: Quando Julie tinha 12 anos, sua irmã mais nova desapareceu e nunca mais foi encontrada. Uma perda que corroeu os laços familiares e deixou sua mãe obcecada pela busca da irmã.
Já adulta e com um prestigiado emprego, Julie conhece Monica, que a faz lembrar muito de sua irmã desaparecida há 17 anos. Elas se tornam melhores amigas, uma amizade que começa como um processo de cura para Julie.
No entanto, uma fatalidade abate a amizade e Julie se vê responsável pelo filho de Monica. Ela decide levar o menino para Biloxi, Mississippi, para encontrar a família que ele não conhecera.
A partir dessa viagem, Julie descobrirá segredos que estão ligados a sua família e seu passado...


Você gostaria de ser a Becky! Hahahaha, eu gostaria de ser a Suzanna de "A Mediadora", eu acho. Ver fantasmas, namorar o Jesse, ser durona... Ou, não sei, essa é uma pergunta e tanto, né?
Beijos, NiVocê gostaria de ser a Becky! Hahahaha, eu gostaria de ser a Suzanna de "A Mediadora", eu acho. Ver fantasmas, namorar o Jesse, ser durona... Ou, não sei, essa é uma pergunta e tanto, né?
Beijos, NiVocê gostaria de ser a Becky! Hahahaha, eu gostaria de ser a Suzanna de "A Mediadora", eu acho. Ver fantasmas, namorar o Jesse, ser durona... Ou, não sei, essa é uma pergunta e tanto, né?
Beijos, Ni
Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran

Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran

Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran


Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran

Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran

Hey Gabi amei o blog!!! Tá lindo! Amei o selinho tbm, raxo com as respostas tão vocÊ!!! Achei mara o "eu sei q tem seis"...kkkk!
Adoro a Becky tbm e vou penar para responder esta questão pq eu sou fascinada por várias personagens!!! Ai ai... obrigada pela indicação e vou postar logo logo! Bjo Fran

oh,maybe style

Usa on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51889860/via/nelvemyr 

Style on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51830071/via/nelvemyr


Paris City Of Love on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51889904/via/nelvemyr 

you know paris?
yeaah... of couse =)
what i write in this (?)
ah, i dont know !!!!!!


auroramohn - on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/50972345/via/nelvemyr


Cupcakes c: on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51167858/via/nelvemyr 

Soempah cupcake

ehh,gak cuma sumpah pemuda sm proklamasi aja punya teks...

cupcakes jugaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............

The first cupcake recipe

the magnolia bakery

Miss Eliza’s cakes, made without the benefit of raising agent, were probably more akin to cup-sized rocks than the airy creations we drool over today. The US Hostess brand lays claim to having produced the first mass-produced cupcake-style product in 1919 – by today’s standards a very dull bake indeed, comprising simple devil’s food cake with not a hint of filling or icing.  Ironically, given the cupcake-baking mania that would later sweep American homes, advertisements for these treats boasted: “Now baking at home is needless.” Cupcakes didn’t evolve into the objects of desire we know today until 1950.

Magnolia Bakery
New York's Magnolia Bakery kicked off cupcake mania
New York City’s Magnolia Bakery, the acknowledged crucible of the cupcake boom, opened in 1996, selling prettily decorated cupcakes from its iconic nostalgia-themed store in Greenwich Village. A couple of years later Carrie Bradshaw took a bite of one an episode of the phenomenally popular TV series Sex and the City –in the process setting the world on its frosting feeding frenzy.

The phenomenon was not to be confined to the US. In 2000, Nigella Lawson persuaded the British public of the virtues of cupcakes over the more perfunctory English fairy cake. Her retro-chic spin on cupcakes, sprinkled with dolly mix and other classic childhood treats, tapped into a vein of nostalgia for a sweeter, simpler era (although arguably one that never existed).  Nigella encouraged women to bake cupcakes not because it was their role in life to do so, but because they were entitled to reclaim some of the domestic sphere if they chose to. Cupcakes proliferated in UK homes and in dedicated bakeries.  The UK joined a cupcake bandwagon that seemed unstoppable.


Sprinkles cupcakes: chichi baked goodsMore than 1,000 cupcakes a day have been issued by the machine since it was installed, to customers prepared to queue 50-deep and pay $3.50 a pop for the privilege. It raises the possibility that cupcakes may not, after all, be a passing fad. After all, 670 million cupcakes were consumed in the US last year according to research company NPD, and have now entered their second decade of vogue. As the Washington Post observed, cupcakes may have crossed the line from fad to fixture.
If more proof were needed, look no further than the global movement called CupcakeCamp where enthusiasts in 60 cities gather to celebrate cupcakes. Or, in the organisation’s own enigmatic words,  “Cupcake Camp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment.”

nexxxxxt on

Ricotta cheesecake from Pasticceria Papa, Haberfield.
We also had a lovely bite at the stunning Gowings Bar in Sydney’s CBD. After managing to find it. There’s no obvious sign, its website is horrendous, and we had to ask two different people how to find the entrance. (Is this some tragic marketing wheeze?) No surprise that it was almost empty when we lunched there a few days before Christmas despite the crowds in the streets below. It is, however,  an absolutely beautiful space and offers a fantastic menu, featuring  yummy stuff cooked on wood fired rotisseries and ovens. (FYI – go to the gorgeous Art Deco State Theatre in Market Street, through the old milk bar, and up to the bar via the lifts).
One of our nicest discoveries this visit was the Leura Garage in  the Blue Mountains, a restaurant and bar located in a refurbished garage (we ate supper in the spot my mum used to leave her car for a service).

neeeeeext oh

Radishes, a key ingredient of fattoush, also seem to be the thing in Sydney at the moment, shaved into salads, slathered in butter, roasted or pickled. Pickled matter generally is everywhere, as it is in many UK restaurants. I was very keen to try Cornersmiths, a coffee shop specialising in pickled fruit and veg, but was tragically (for us) closed for the holidays. However, Marrickville did deliver us a terrific and reasonably-priced Vietnamese meal at Phd where we stuffed ourselves with Pho and caramelised pork.
Nearby in Haberfield, home to the best Italian food in Sydney, we queued around the block at Pasticceria Papa for one of their famous ricotta cakes. This is the most completely gorgeous ricotta cake imaginable: a lightly and fluffy ricotta cake enveloped in perfect pastry.