Sabtu, 14 September 2013

neeeeeext oh

Radishes, a key ingredient of fattoush, also seem to be the thing in Sydney at the moment, shaved into salads, slathered in butter, roasted or pickled. Pickled matter generally is everywhere, as it is in many UK restaurants. I was very keen to try Cornersmiths, a coffee shop specialising in pickled fruit and veg, but was tragically (for us) closed for the holidays. However, Marrickville did deliver us a terrific and reasonably-priced Vietnamese meal at Phd where we stuffed ourselves with Pho and caramelised pork.
Nearby in Haberfield, home to the best Italian food in Sydney, we queued around the block at Pasticceria Papa for one of their famous ricotta cakes. This is the most completely gorgeous ricotta cake imaginable: a lightly and fluffy ricotta cake enveloped in perfect pastry.

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