Sabtu, 02 November 2013

readers read

For the moment, I am going to post this list, started last week and sitting here waiting to be pushed out, of things of recent note in my Facebook updates (and in open windows on my computer):
  • Doodles? Tangles? A Zentangle follower? Check out this open call — and submit your tiles! Note the Feb 15 deadline. Do it! (As my oldest would say… “Come on peoples!”) @CreateMixedMedia
  • Someone else recommended Wonder  by R.J. Palacio to me recently (or asked if we had read it). Seeing a Chapel Chronicles mini-review reminded me that I want to take a look at this one!
  • Check out Tammy Garcia’s journal prompt cards in her Etsy shop. Need a nudge? Or know someone who does?
  • Awesome library photos… some libraries I would love to see and sit and read or write in. My library is way less than cool aesthetically. This is an eye-opening reminder to the beauty of books and space.
  • A new book and a list of books to check from Claire Vanderpools. (What I said when I saw it: “When I first read her list of recommendations, they felt ‘too’ classic. But looking closer… I think this is an interesting list (w a few token exceptions). Do you have favorites that appear here or ones you would like to read or have your middle readers read?”)

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